Advisory Committee

***Interested in Joining the SELS Advisory Committee?!***

We are currently looking to fill the following three seats: Academic Library (Private), Academic Library (Public), Special Library. Anyone is eligible to join, regardless of job position or degree status, as long as you are employed by a SELS member library! Meetings are usually quick and we cancel if there are no agenda items. Please consider volunteering to help us improve our services to our members and build a stronger network of support!

Minnesota Statute 134.351 requires a seven member SELS Advisory Committee with members elected from and representing the various types of libraries: academic, public, school and special. The SELS Advisory Committee meets every other month and appoints working groups as needed to provide advice about multitype programs and services to the SELCO Executive Director and the SELCO/SELS Board of Directors. According to SELS Bylaws, members are elected to three-year terms beginning in January of the first year and ending in December of the third year. Members may serve for no more than three consecutive terms. The committee meets the first Tuesday of the month in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

September 3, 2024 | November 5, 2024 | January 7, 2025


The SELCO/SELS Board consists of appointees from the region’s citizens. The Board is responsible for fiscal oversight and setting regional library policy. SELCO was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit corporation and operates as a regional public library system as identified in Minnesota Statutes. When SELS was created in 1979, oversight of both systems was combined under one board. As a federation of libraries and counties, each public library member appoints an individual to serve on the Board. County members have the option of appointing an existing Board member from among the county residents or appointing an additional trustee to represent their interests at the regional level. The SELCO/SELS Board meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday.