Page Header: Free Professional Development Opportunities


Red square with the letter "A"


Orange square with the letter "K"

K-12 School

Teal square with the letter "P"


Purple square with the letter "S"


All times are listed in Central Time (CT). Events are virtual unless noted otherwise.

If you have any questions or would like an event added to this page, please email

Scroll to the bottom of the page for on-demand opportunities!


Academics, Publics, Specials

Care of Newspaper Clippings

Connecting to Collections Care1/7 | 12 PM
All Library Types

Open Meeting Law Webinar

MN Department of Administration: Data Practices Office1/8 | 11 AM
Academics, Specials

Looking Ahead with a Long-Range Preservation Plan (Free to MN residents)

Midwest Art Conservation Center1/9, 1/16, 1/23 | 10:30 AM
All Library Types

Lake Superior Libraries Unsymposium

Lake Superior Libraries1/10 | 1 - 4:30 PM | Superior Public Library, 1530 Tower Avenue, Superior, WI


Academics, Specials

Write (or Re-Write) Your Emergency Plan (Free to MN residents)

Midwest Art Conservation Center2/12, 2/19, 2/26 | 10:30 AM
All Library Types

Axe-Con 2025: Building Accessible Experiences

Deque Systems; Google; AbilityNet; WAG (Workplace Accessibility Group)2/25 - 2/27 (virtual conference)


On Demand

K-12 Schools, Publics

Books are Good Medicine Podcast

Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
All Library Types

From Burnout to Balance

OCLC WebJunction

Museum Collections Documentation and Data Cleaning

Canadian Heritage Information Network
All Library Types

"Safe Library" Webinars

Library 2.0 | Available through June 2025 to MN library staff
All Library Types

Where We Call Home: LGBT People in Rural America

MAP (Movement Advancement Project)