The SELS MackinVIA Consortium is a region-wide shared digital collection of K-12 eBooks and eAudiobooks, including many of the most recent MN Youth Reading Award nominees.
Any public or non-public PreK-12 school in Minnesota can join. Schools will buy into this shared collection on an annual basis. By pooling together funding and sharing resources, students will have access to a large collection of titles at a low cost.
How It Works
Schools interested in participating should fill out the SELS MackinVIA Consortium Order Form.
Each participating school will be contacted by Mackin to set up a MackinVIA account. Mackin provides the technical support for operating the platform. SELS has been working with Brian Cretzmeyer (brian.cretzmeyer@mackin.com).
Once funds are collected, the SELS Consultant will select and purchase content for the MackinVIA collection approximately four times per school year. 100% of the fees collected from schools will go towards ebook and eaudiobook purchases; SELS is only acting as the fiscal agent.
This pricing plan was developed by a task force made up of school media center staff from the SELS region. The price is based on school-building enrollment:
<250 students = $250
251-500 students = $500
501-1,000 students = $750
1,001-2,000 students = $1,000
>2,000 students = $1,500
Collection Development
Each school, through their MackinVIA account, can determine which books are available and accessible to their students. The school’s account may include the Ebooks MN collection, the cooperative regional purchase and individual school purchases.
SELS, in partnership with participating schools, has created a Collection Development Policy and set of procedures.
The SELS Consultant will make the final purchases for the regional collection.
If you have questions, please contact us:
Brian Cretzmeyer
Mackin Consultant
eServices Department
Ashley Dress
SELS School Library Consultant