Book Challenges
& SF 3567
"Minnesota recently passed legislation called Access to Library Materials and Rights Protected, Laws of Minnesota 2024, chapter 109, article 7, section 2. This legislation prohibits public libraries, as well as libraries in public schools and public higher education institutions, from banning, removing, or restricting access to books or other materials based solely on their viewpoint or conveyed messages, ideas, or opinions. It emphasizes the importance that library collection policies have in directing collection development decisions or working through a reconsideration process. The new legislation does not impair or limit the rights of parents, guardians, or adult students. However, the legislation explicitly prohibits removing books based on ideological objections from “public” libraries of all types. Library workers in Minnesota should become familiar with the law and discuss the implications for their workplaces. Here are a few key points in the legislation:
- Intellectual Freedom: library workers are prohibited from removing or restricting access to materials solely based on their viewpoint, conveyed messages, ideas, or opinions.
- Parent and Adult Learner Rights: parents or guardians retain the right to restrict their child’s access to specific materials; however, library workers must adhere to collection policies and guidelines for library collections. Parents, guardians, and adult students have rights in curriculum review that must be honored in library policy and procedure.
- Library Policies: libraries and their governing bodies must adopt well-defined collection development policies that outline criteria for selecting and maintaining materials. There must also be guidelines and procedures for the reconsideration of library materials. These policies ensure consistency and adherence to the legislation.
- Library Materials Challenges: take materials challenges seriously, follow your collection policies and procedures, uphold intellectual freedom, and maintain detailed records for required reporting to State Library Services and optional reports to the ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom.
- Library Workers: library workers administer library collections. They can be Certified Licensed Media Specialists, individuals with a Masters of Library Science or Library Information Science degree, or a library worker trained in library collection management.